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Iranian composer Niloufar Nourbakhsh explores the poles of love and hate and the paradoxical existence of prophecy from Joel 3:17.
Joel 3:17
No One is Born Hating Another Person
Niloufar Nourbakhsh
Composed by Niloufar Nourbakhsh
Curated by:
Aaron Beaumont

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The moment the promise fulfills, the verse stops serving the purpose it has served or was intended to serve for long centuries. The prophecy is therefore intertwined with its counter-promise: If it would actualize, it would become a description of the past. Since a prophecy cannot become a description of the past, it is not to be actualized. The paradox however does not dissuade the promised. Through hate, as the only mean to glory and the Holy, shall the promise be met. And through pursuing hate, the promised reduces the being to US against THEM. And it was only through pursuing hate that its absurdity appeared. That it was recognized that once it is all reduced to the unbounded hate, all shall remain is ruins. This absurdity, provides a rare chance for US to open our eyes to the supposedly obvious: The pursuit of happiness is to be followed through not hate, but love.
Spark Notes
The Artist's Reflection
Described as “stark” by WNPR, Iranian composer Niloufar Nourbakhsh‘s music has been commissioned and performed by Symphony Number One, Women Composers Festival of Hartford, Pianist Erika Dohi for Metropolis Ensemble Piano Series, Calidore String Quartet and Cassatt String Quartet at numerous festivals including Atlantic Music Festival, Seal Bay Festival of American Chamber Music, New Paltz Piano Summer, SPLICE institute, New Music for String and Stony Brook Chamber Music Festival and more. Nilou is a strong advocate of music education. She has worked as the site coordinator of Brooklyn Middle School Jazz Academy sponsored by Jazz at Lincoln Center. She is currently a Teaching Artist for post grad composition students of NY Philharmonic Young Composers program.
Nilou is a Global Citizen Scholarship recipient of Goucher College as well as a Mahoney and Caplan Scholar from University of Oxford. Among her teachers are Lisa Weiss, Laura Kaminsky, Sheila Silver and Daria Semegen. She is currently pursuing her Doctorate degree in music composition at Stony Brook University under the supervision of Daniel Weymouth.
Niloufar Nourbakhsh

About the Artist
Niloufar Nourbakhsh
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