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The Spark+Echo Band premieres "Do You Love Me?" in response to the encounter between Jesus and Peter in John 21 and one of our themes for 2012 "Sheep".

John 21:15-23

Do You Love Me?


The Spark & Echo Band


Curated by: 


Image by Giorgio Trovato

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Jonathon says: “I was recently talking to a friend about the theme of sheep for Spark and Echo Arts, saying we are only spending a month on this theme because it’s harder to fill a whole three months with art on sheep passages in the Bible. He said, ‘Well Jesus spent a whole lifetime on sheep.’

And so he did… Here is one of the most famous – and rather mysterious I think – sheep illustrations from Jesus (John 21:15-18). In the song, we’ve tried to capture some of the youthfulness of Peter in the bassoon and the style of the song while recognizing the true underlying depth of what Jesus is saying to us all.”

Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

The Spark & Echo Band is a family outfit of songwriting-storytellers led by husband and wife duo Jonathon Roberts and Emily Clare Zempel. Their music brings forgotten poetry and wild stories from the Bible to life: visions of sparkling wheels in the sky, hunger and thirst, and legends of love as strong as death weave with memorable melodies and captivating rhythms. Drawing from a classical background, influenced by the pianism of Rufus Wainwright and Ben Folds, and emulating Paul Simon’s narratival techniques, Spark & Echo sings epic tales of love and adventure.

The duo has collaborated on three full lengths albums (Spark&Echo, Inheritance, Cities Project), one video album (In the Clocktower), in addition to many theatrical collaborations, this very nonprofit, and two children. They live in beautiful Beacon, New York, with all of the above.

The Spark & Echo Band

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Deep Calls to Deep

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