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Melissa Beck's work, Breadth, reflects on 1 Kings 17:7-16 and the theme of "meals."

1 Kings 17:7-16



Melissa Beck


Artist Location: Brooklyn, New York

Curated by: 

Rebekah Kim


Mixed media, sculpture

Image by Giorgio Trovato

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On the Art:

A road is a journey

The same surface over and over

Given a small amount over and over

Steadily and consistently

Amounting to something significant

Little bit for a long period of time

Becoming part of the ground on which it falls

Elements that meld

Incomprehensible depths of comfort from consistent provision

On the Passage:

The story of the Widow at Zarephath is one of depletion, sacrifice, and miraculous provision. The Lord directed Elijah to this widow who was about to prepare her last meal for her and her son. She only had enough oil and flour for them to eat one last time. Yet when this stranger asked her, she obeyed and made bread for Elijah instead. For her obedience a miraculous thing happened. She was told her "jar of flour will not be used up and the jug of oil will not run dry." From giving up of her last meal she was provided for indefinitely. Out of utter depletion came inexplicable provision for so much time beyond even when this passage ends. What I love about this story is the length of provision. She was given oil and flour everyday for the rest of her life. She was given unto abundance, but not all at once. Rather these elements of simplicity and basic need were provided for steadily and consistently. There was a little bit for a long period of time.

Spark Notes

The Artist's Reflection

Melissa Beck’s work explores elements of the everyday redefining the familiar in unexpected ways so as to reawaken our eyes to what is often overlooked. She is an emerging artist living and working in Brooklyn, NY. Melissa grew up in Los Angeles and San Diego. She achieved her MFA in sculpture at Pratt Institute and graduated in 2013. Her dream is to create large-scale public artwork and to become an art professor. When Melissa isn’t making art, life for her consists of freelance sewing and display work, nanny-ing, dancing, laughing with her friends, visiting the California sun and taking life one step at a time with her Creator.

Melissa Beck

About the Artist

Artist in Residence 2015: Melissa Beck Part 1

Artist in Residence 2015: Melissa Beck Part 2

Artist in Residence 2015: Melissa Beck Part 3

Artist in Residence 2015: Melissa Beck Part 4

Artist in Residence 2015: Melissa Beck

Melissa Beck

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