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The movement and color in this painting, "We Wait," by Judith Barcroft capture the sense of eager anticipation in response to 2 Peter 3:13.
2 Peter 3:13
We Wait
Judith Barcroft
Curated by:
Michael Markham
20 x 24 inches

Primary Scripture
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I have been in the theater for over 50 years, and there is nothing more exciting and mysterious for me than that moment, waiting in darkness, as the curtain is about to go up, and reveal a whole new world! My painting of the audience waiting illustrates our waiting for what is promised; a theatrical moment in God's time!
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The Artist's Reflection
Judith Barcroft was in her first art show at the age of five at the Virginia Theological Seminary where her father was studying to be an Episcopal priest.
Judith studied art at the Borghese Gallery in Rome and at the Art Students League of New York where she won a merit scholarship and served on the board. She won a certificate of merit for outstanding work in collage at the Salmagundi Club.
She is especially interested in spiritual art, and her work illustrating Lauds in the Book of Hours will be on display at the Church of Heavenly Rest in New York beginning January 10, 2019.
Judith is also an actress, having appeared in seven Broadway shows, over 100 regional productions, and 12 years of television.
Judith Barcroft

About the Artist
Judith Barcroft
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